Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our List

1. Lose 40lbs
2. Sew an outfit for Isabel
3. Sew an outfit for Joaquin
4. Sew an outfit for myself
5. Take 3 new classes (0/3)
6. Send out Christmas Cards
7. See a production at Temecula Community Theater
8. Go wine tasting
9. Bake at least once a month (1/33)
10. Run a 10K
11.Attempt shampoo free
12. Learn to use all the buttons on my camera
13. Make a gingerbread house
14. Sign up for a gym membership, go at least 2 a week
15. Organize my pictures on comp, create backup
16. Organize my pictures in boxes
17. Each Christmas make at least 2 handmade gifts (0)
18. Learn more Spanish
19. Change my name
20. Do something for myself once a month (facial, massage, etc) (0/33)
21. Have a Christmas party
22. Organize all magazine clippings
23. Do a project from at least 4 of my craft books. (0/4)
24 .Make a recipe from at least 4 of my cookbooks. (0/4)
25. Do at least 4 projects from clipped ideas. (0/4)
26. Make at least 4 recipes from clipped ideas. (0/4)
27. Organize computer bookmarks.
28. Take more pictures

Moe29. Run on a consistent basic (3-4x’s per week, at least 4 consecutive weeks)
30. Get wheel for jogging stroller fixed
31. Get down to 190 lbs
32. Increase daily water intake
33. Increase daily fruit and vegetable intake
34. Run 5K in less than 30min
35. Run 10K without any walking
36. Complete half marathon
37. Complete marathon
38. Compose one song on and mac
39. Post song
40. Get all remastered/SE/deluxe CD’s of key artists (the Cure, U2, New Order, Beatles)

41. Save $5 a week for 1.5 yrs to get XBOX
42. Save $10 a week for a year to get IPhones
43. Organize CDs, sell those no longer wanted
44. Put all music on hard drive
45. Read all books in pile
46. Read James Patterson Alex Cross series in order.
47. Organize and clean garage

House48. Install racks in garage
49. Refloor entire house
50. Refinish cabinets
51. Window coverings on all windows
52. Replace front door and garage side door
53. Replace screen doors
54. Put lazy susan in kitchen cabinets
55. Make the backyard a place for the family (green grass, playset, patio set, fill in ditch)
56. Start growing our own veggies, fruits and herbs
57. Get entertainment center and bookshelves built
58. Get rid of all non natural cleaning products in our home.
59. Create a family picture wall
60. Create a silhouette wall
61. Install arbor in front of playroom window
62. Put shelves in playroom
63. Organize car
64. Organize paperwork
65. Decorate kids’ room
66. Decorate and create office
67. Create crafting area
68. Turn coat closet into mudroom
69. Paint mural in playroom
70. Decorate ledges
71. Decorate inside house for Christmas
72. Decorate outside house for Christmas
73. Decorate inside house for Halloween.
74. Decorate outside house for Halloween.
75. Organize all holiday decorations.
76. Put kids in one room.
77. Purge all old clothing and organize closets

78. Reduce the amount of processed foods the kids eat
79. Enroll Isabel in an extra class
80. Enroll Joaquin in a class
81. Teach the kids Spanish
82. Established a much stricter bedtime routine

83. Take a trip w/just Moe & I
84. Have a date night w/Moe once a month. (0/33)
85. Buy date outfits for Moe and I
86. Go dancing with Moe
87. Reduce the amount of processed foods Moe & I eat
88. Create a budget
89. Stick to a budget
90. Stop letting food go bad or expire
91. Host a game night
92. Go to the Renaissance Faire

93. Take a family trip-longer than 3 days
94. Visit 5 museums a year (0/10)
95. Visit 5 neighborhood parks a year (0/10)
96. Picnic at a park
97. Eat in our dining room
98. Take kids for walk at least once a week (0)
99. Only use reusable bags when shopping
100. Buy/Make reusable sandwich & snack bags for lunch
101. Eat out no more than 5 times a month